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Butler-Braidotti: Two proposal for the same century

Soy Cámara online

 Taking as their departure point gender studies and feminism, thinkers Judith Butler (Cleveland, 1956) and Rosi Braidotti (Latisana, 1954) reflect on the human and the criteria that determine access to it, since it is evident that we are not all human in the same way and to the same degree. However, their thinking has transcended both disciplines and adapts to a present-day context: that of an economic and scientific system that no longer distinguishes between animal and human, artificial and natural, and therefore calls for a revision of our definitions and the value we accord them.

Screenplay and direction: Andrea Valdés

Editing: Juan Carlos Rodríguez

Language: English

Subtitles: Catalán


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Authors: Andrea Valdés

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30 September 2016