Institut d'Humanitats
The Great Civilizations of Europe, 5. The Enlightenment
Course directed by Jordi Llovet
Courses and workshops
With the title The Great Civilizations of Europe, the Institut d’Humanitats de Barcelona offers a series of courses about the cultures and civilizations of our continent that have excelled in important fields: political organization, religion, literary culture, architecture and the visual arts, philosophy, and history of science.
Participants: Jordi Llovet, Jorge Wagensberg, , Alain Verjat, Meri Torras, , , Andreu Jaume, Ramón Andrés, Jordi Ibáñez, , , Rafael Argullol, Carles Sudrià, ,
Directors: Jordi Llovet
This activity is part of Institut d'Humanitats. Course 16/17, Institut d'Humanitats