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Meri Torras

Professor and researcher

PhD and professor of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where she directs the research group “Cos i Textualitat” and coordinates the Degree in Sociocultural Gender Studies. Her lines of work are oriented towards the fields of Gender and Literature, cultural studies, literary criticism and queer theory, and in particular the comparison between literature and audiovisual arts.

She is co-editor of the publication Lectora. Revista de Dones i Textualitat. She has also co-edited Feminismes literaris (1999), Corporizar el pensamiento. Escrituras y lecturas del cuerpo en la cultura occidental (2006), Cuerpo e identidad (2007), Encarna(c)ciones. Teoría(s) de los cuerpos (2008) and Accions i reinvencions. Cultures lèsbiques a la Catalunya del tombant de segle XX-XXI (2011). He has published the essays Soy cómo consiga que me imaginéis. La construcción de la subjetividad en las autobiografías epistolares de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda y Sor Juan Inés de la Cruz (2003) and Tomando cartas en el asunto. Las amistades peligrosas de las mujeres con el género epistolar (2001).


Update: 27 April 2023


Has participated in

Catalan Artists: A Feminist Perspective

Readers of Judith Butler

with Marta Segarra, Lorena Fuster, Meri Torras, Begonya Saez, Marina Garcés and Joana Masó

Desire and Subversion

Lecture by Marta Segarra

The Great Civilizations of Europe, 5. The Enlightenment

Course directed by Jordi Llovet