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Jorge Wagensberg

Physicist, professor in the Theory of Irreversible Processes at the University of Barcelona.

(Barcelona, 1948-2018). Jorge Wagensberg had a doctorate in Physics and is Professor in the Theory of Irreversible Processes at the University of Barcelona. As director of the “Fundació La Caixa” Science Museum (1991-2004), he expanded and transformed the museum into the present-day “Cosmocaixa”. Besides his work and writings in the domain of scientific research, he published numerous works popularising science and his contribution in stimulating the debate of ideas was recognised by awards such as The National Award of Catalonia for Thought and Scientific Culture (2005) and, in 2010, the Creu de Sant Jordi (St George Cross). He wrote numerous works on thermodynamics, mathematics, biophysics, microbiology, palaeontology, entomology, scientific museology and philosophy of science. He also published interdisciplinary essays in the “Metatemas” collection of Tusquets Editores, of which he is director. These works include Ideas sobre la complejidad del mundo (Ideas on the Complexity of the World, Tusquets, 2003), Si la natura és la resposta, ¿quina era la pregunta? (If Nature Is the Answer, What Was the Question? – Tusquets, 2003), La rebelión de las formas (The Rebellion of Forms, Tusquets, 2004), El gozo intelectual (Intellectual Pleasures, Tusquets, 2007) and Yo, lo superfluo y el error (I, the Superfluous and the Error, Tusquets, 2009).

Update: 4 March 2018



Has participated in

The Great Civilizations of Europe, 5. The Enlightenment

Course directed by Jordi Llovet

La Maleta de Portbou

Magazine presentation

If it wasn't for crisis we'd still be bacteria

Lecture by Jorge Wagensberg

Complexity versus Uncertainty, or the Question of Persevering as Uncertainty Increases

Opening Lecture by Jorge Wagensberg