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Agnès Varda

Gleaning in the field of collaboration between art and science

3rd ICM / BAU Seminar

Courses and workshops

Free with pre-booking

Turning rejection into a resource would allow us to come to research from a new place by extending the useful life of data beyond the initial idea for which it was intended. Based on the logic offered by the film Les Glaneurs et la Glaneuse by Agnès Varda, BAU Centre Universitari d’Arts i Disseny and the Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC) are conducting a project in which artists work extensively on the basis of scientific activity, like prototypes of collaboration with a data ecology paradigm.

Scientific research involves a series of economic, time, human, energy and space resources, among others. What would happen if, once the project is finished, we revisit the data and the samples with new eyes, creating the possibility of reassessing what has been rejected? Data that is difficult to interpret, unclassified, noise, errors, outliers, replicates, anomalies, mysteries, that which is abandoned, has no commercial value or has been contaminated... Turning rejection into a resource would allow us to come to research from a new place by extending the useful life of data, beyond the initial idea for which it was conceived.

Based on the logic offered by the film Les Glaneurs et la Glaneuse by Agnès Varda, collaboration between art and science is a fertile area for the metaphor of going back over a field that has already fulfilled a first productive function, picking up what was initially dismissed or overlooked. BAU Centre Universitari d’Arts i Disseny and the Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC) are conducting a project in which artists work extensively on the basis of scientific activity, like prototypes of collaboration with a data ecology paradigm.

In the framework of developing innovative hybrid research methodologies, we use Varda’s imaginary to reconsider the criteria for giving value to some things and not others. Drawing the field of data/materials/practices that can be gleaned is an opportunity to make visible what is possible and implicit in research. Adopting the logic of reuse gives rise to reflection on the sustainability of our practices, hospitality and mutual affection between the scientific and artistic community.

The 3rd ICM / BAU Seminar is proposed as a work session to examine the different areas to be gleaned identified to date, and launch a conversation with potential gleaners.

The project team is made up of: Vanessa Balagué (ICM), Elisabetta Broglio (ICM), David Casas Layola (ICM), Lúa Coderch (BAU), Joan Llort (BSC), Mariona Moncunill-Piñas (BAU), María Fernanda Moscoso (BAU), Marta Royo-Llonch (SHOOK Studio), Valentí Sallarès (ICM), Carine Simon (ICM), María Vicioso (ICM)

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