Arxipèlag d’excepcions / Archipelago of Exceptions
Sobiranies de l’extraterritorialitat / Sovereignties of Extraterritoriality
Urbanitats — n. 18
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Lectures given at the CCCB on 10 and 11 November 2005 in the framework of the conference "Archipelago of Exceptions. Sovereignties of extraterritoriality", reflecting on the proliferation of enclaves outside traditional sovereignty that seem to be governed by a permanent state of exception. From refugee and concentration camps to urban ghettos, the texts analyse the intersection between power and territory in today's world.
Authors: José Luis Pardo, Thomas Keenan, Shimon Naveh, Keller Easterling, Lluís Ortega, Tariq Ali, Giorgio Agamben, Rafael Vilasanjuan, Eyal Sivan, Teddy Cruz, Eyal Weizman, Stephen Graham, Zygmunt Bauman, Josep Ramoneda, Anselm FrankePublication year: 2007
Pages: 240
Dimensions: 17 × 24 cm.
978-84-611-6464-6 (català / castellano / english)