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Thomas Keenan

Director of the “Human Rights Project” and Professor of Comparative Literature at Bard College, New York,

His research is concerned with issues related with the media and conflicts, political and literary theory, and humanitarianism. In the field of human rights he has worked with the Soros Documentary Fund, WITNESS and The Journal of Human Rights, of which he is a member of the editorial and advisory boards. He has published the book Fables of Responsibility (1997) and written articles for publications such as the New York Times, Wired, Aperture and Political Theory. He has edited The End(s) of the Museum (1996) and co-edited New Media, Old Media (2005). Along with Carles Guerra, he has recently been curator of the exhibition Antiperiodisme(Anti-journalism) at the Virreina Palace, Barcelona.

Update: 16 May 2011



Has participated in

The Itinerant Languages of Photography

Archipelago of exception

Sovereignties of extraterritoriality