Is it possible to imagine a non-apocalyptic future?
Julia Ramírez-Blanco and Cuchara collective
We converse with researcher and historian Julia Ramírez-Blanco and with activists from the food emancipation initiative Cuchara, to delve deeper into the challenges of projects that combine activism, art and science, speculative fables that materialise into stories without heroes or definitive endings: how can we generate stories of continuity, of becoming, with companion species? How can we work for regeneration and flourishment? How can we cultivate the ruins that nowadays are our gardens? Which practices should we strengthen and what knowledge must we develop in greater depth to contribute to this flourishment?
Participants: Julia Ramírez-Blanco, Cuchara, Helen Torres
Related to Science Friction, Conversations among ruins, Is it possible to imagine a non-apocalyptic future?
9 October 2021