Julia Ramírez-Blanco
Julia Ramírez-Blanco is a researcher and professor at the University of Barcelona (Juan de la Cierva Incorporation Postdoctoral Scholarship). As a historian and art critic, her most recent work has focused on the relationship between art, social imagination and activism. In her books, 15M. El tiempo de las plazas (Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2021) and Artistic Utopias of Revolt (New York and London: Palgrave, 2018; published in Spanish as Utopías artísticas de revuelta (Madrid: Cátedra, 2014), she studies the aesthetics of social movements.
She has edited Pequeño bestiario de monstruos políticos (Murcia: Cendeac, 2020), a reflection on hybrid creatures that emerge from political cultural collectives and the REGAC Journal special issue on “Non-textual utopies”, with articles by TJ Demos and Rachel Weiss. Her work has been published in English, French, Italian and Spanish in a variety of journals and magazines such as Third Text, Arquitectura Viva, Quintana, Lars, Boletín de Arte, El Mundo, ABC Cultural and The Nation Journal. She was co-curator of the exhibition La gran revolución doméstica (Familisterio, Guisa, in conjunction with Lise Lerichomme and Sally Bonn), a look at traditional and actual feminist utopias. Since 2018, Julia has formed part of the committee of The Society for Utopian Studies. Broadly speaking, her interests lie in practices that imagine other possible worlds.
Update: 2 June 2021