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Amazonian visions

The Temptation of Nixhixh, spirit of the wood

Gumercindo Yumani, Nicolás Ipamo, Rubén Darío Cayaduro and Martha Zelady


Free with pre-booking

A production that describes the conflicts brought about by the exploitation of natural resources in a Tacana community. A film made from the Bolivian indigenous communication process.

This feature film has a fictional plot that’s nevertheless based on a real event: the disappearance in 2006 of a group of children from a Tacana community. The Tacana believe that Nixhixh, which means spirit of the mountain, took the children in revenge when the harmony between humans and nature was broken due to the arrival of logging companies in the community.

La tentación del Nixhixh, el espíritu del bosque (The Temptation of Nixhixh, spirit of the wood), Gumercindo Yumani, Nicolás Ipamo, Rubén Darío Cayaduro and Martha Zelady (CAIB-CEFREC, Bolivia, Tacana people, 2016, 90', Original language with Catalan and Spanish subtitles)

Session presented by Ferran Ventura and Elisenda Triadó from the alterNativa and IndiFest team.


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Amazonian visions

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