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Alberto Clementi

Professor of Urban Planning and Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at the Università Gabriele D’Annunzio, Pescara, Italy.

he is also director of the university’s research institute Urban Territorial Competitive Development and was formerly president of the Italian Society of Urban Planners. He has worked as a consultant for the Italian ministries of Infrastructure and Culture in the fields of cultural heritage management, design of infrastructure networks and landscape planning. He has also worked on regional development plans for Tuscany, Umbria and Veneto in Italy, as well as in a number of countries of North Africa and Latin America. He has recently contributed to the publication Hyperadriatica with an article titled “Oltrecittà. Verso una nuova urbanità medioadriatica” (List-Actar, 2009).

Has participated in

Seminar 4 RECYCLING. The Future of Industrial Landscapes

Sant Adrià de Besòs