Economist and president of the Asociación de Arqueología Industrial (INCUNA – Industrial Archaeology Association) and of the International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH-Spain).
He is director of the cultural and social science review Ábaco and of the Centro de Iniciativas Culturales (Centre for Cultural Initiatives – CICEES), where he coordinates the publication of collections on industrial archaeology and heritage. He has worked as a consultant in regional economics and industrial and natural heritage in several countries of Europe and Latin America and is presently director of the programme of international cultural cooperation “Los caminos de la Plata en España y América”, winner of the “Somos Patrimonio 2008” Prize. He has recently published Guía con 33 propuestas de Industria, Cultura y Naturaleza (Guide with 33 Proposals for Industry, Culture and Nature – CICEES, 2010).