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Furiasia 2022

Festival of Asian arts and diasporas

Festivals + Scene

Free with pre-booking

The second edition of the Furiasia festival arrives under the slogan “Open Buffet of Stories and Struggles”. An evening of performances, music, poetry and dance, this year revolving around the theme of Asian food.


Singer and dancer Vignesh Melwani, the Shreyashee Nag Dance Company, artist Yoshi Sislay, poet Paloma Chen and food and culture platform Mellow Sheng, which will be creating a unique snack specially for the occasion, will be among the participants in this year’s Furiasia, a festival that sets out to highlight the collective vision of young people of Asian heritage.


8pm Mellow Sheng & Nadia Nadesan

8.35 pm Textura Pluma Tumba (Paloma & Yan & Laomu)

9.05 pm Vignesh Melwani & Yoshi Sislay

9.35 pm Shreyashee Nag Dance Company & Run Xin Zhou

10.10 pm DJ Hanakito & DJ Yamamemaru

Furiasia will be a space for dialogue between different artists and disciplines revolving around food, and a celebration of their creativity, but above all a chance to hear the voice of a group of people working to construct different, situated narratives of their own.

The Catàrsia association, an artistic and political group made up of Catalan people of Asian heritage, together with the CCCB, presents the second edition of the Furiasia festival, on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the association and of the festivities of Barcelona’s Raval neighbourhood.

Upcoming activities at the CCCB


The Ancestral Future

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