Amazonian visions
Crowrã (The Buriti Flower)
João Salaviza and Renée Nader Messora
Free with pre-booking
Documentary and fiction naturally intertwine in Crowrã (The Buriti Flower), made in close collaboration with the Krahô indigenous community, who are also the screenwriters of the film.
Through the eyes of her daughter, Patpro will travel through three periods of the history of his indigenous people, in the heart of the Brazilian jungle. Persecuted tirelessly, but guided by their ancestral rituals, their love for nature and their struggle to preserve their freedom, the Krahô people do not stop inventing new forms of resistance.
A film reminiscent of magical realism, it is the result of a delicate and respectful relationship that has been built over years with a Krahô community. The film was premiered in Cannes and in Catalonia it was screened as part of the Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones. It is the second film by the duo of directors Reneé Nader Messora and João Salaviza, after the award-winning Chuva é cantoria na aldeia dos mortos.
Crowrã (The Buriti Flower), João Salaviza and Renée Nader Messora (Karô Films, Entrefilmes, Brasil, Krahô people, 2023, 123’, Original language with Catalan subtitles)
Session presented by Miquel Figueras from the alterNativa and IndiFest team.
Curators: alterNativa Exchange with Indigenous Peoples
Presenters: Miquel Figueras Moreu
This activity is part of Amazons, Amazonian visions