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NOW 2009

NOW. November 2009

Meetings in the Present Continuous

The edition of NOW November 09 is a collaboration between the CCCB and the Fundació Terra, a pioneering Spanish association devoted to creating environmental awareness and promoting a new culture based on sustainable use of the Planet's resources.

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Evolving from the main subject of the Sun and its cultural, biological and astrophysical influences, this event aims to explore the new culture promoted by renewable energies, with a special emphasis on solar energy.

Aside from panels and open debates directed to an knowledgeable, active audience, NOW will also organize workshops for high school and university students, raising awareness on these issues and allowing them to get a deeper, hands-on knowledge.

This edition is also part of the project NOW in action, were the film "The 11th Hour" will be screened in several Spanish universities, with a presentation and open debate.

This activity is part of NOW 2009

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Lecture by Thom Hartmann

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Interview with Hermann Scheer

NOW. November 2009

Hermann Scheer, President of Eurosolar and member of the German parliament, talks about the Copenhagen Summit and the chances of surviving the current environmental crisis.

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Previous activities

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Energy Autonomy

The Economic, Social and Technological Case for Renewable Energy

Switch on. Switch off.

Here Comes the Sun

The Solar Energy Revolution

The "The 11th Hour" contest

The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight

The fate of the world and what we can do about it

The Sun: a natural source of energy

Astronomy workshop for teenagers

A Beginner's Guide to Giving a Damn

No Impact Man

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