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I+C+i. Research and innovation in the cultural sphere

I+C+i. 2012

Research and innovation in the cultural sphere

I+C+i, the visible window of the CCCB Lab, is a cycle that tackles the integration of processes of research, development and innovation within the world of culture. Since its creation in the year 2007, the I+C+i programme has featured the presence of artists, curators, designers, scientists, technologists, architects and managers who have presented their projects on cultural innovation. In the last two years, sessions have been run that were more focused on practice, which have allowed interaction with what “we previously called the public”.

The influence of serendipity in creative processes, research into expanded education, the development of virtual exhibitions, the challenges of co-creation with users, the design of participation, the future of archives, the evaluation of new publics, the transformation of websites into portals of knowledge, the dilemmas of intellectual property rights in the 21st century, the challenges of digital humanities, etc., are subjects upon which emphasis will continue to be placed with new inputs dedicated to optimising resources, strengthening digital tools and the processes of adaptation required because of the economic crisis.

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