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I+C+i. Research and innovation in the cultural sphere

I+C+i // APPS for a new culture


Applications for mobile devices are expanding at a dizzying pace due to the enormous popularity of smartphones and digital tablets. Previously, apps were simple tools that helped send messages, download mail or search for information in the cloud. Now, thanks to these programmes, we customise devices with different applications according to our preferences. However, apps have not only conquered users: companies, cultural and educational institutions, service providers and local councils also have applications. How can these apps affect our society? Could these apps be a substitute for websites? Can applications help to resolve local problems? Are such applications a passing technology or have they come here to stay?

WORKSHOP “Developing an App for an exhibition”. With Aecomo Academy.

19 & 20 SEPT 10.00-14.00 / 15.00-18.00

Workshop on designing and programming an App for Android for the “Paral.lel” exhibition being inaugurated in October at the CCCB.

DEBATE “Mobile apps for a new culture”

20 SEP: 19.00-21.00

Participants: Hernán Rodríguez (Founder and Director of the Spanish Association for Mobile Communications), Lorea Iglesias, Eugenio Tiselli (Creator of the mobile app Sauti Ya Wakulima), Patricia Santos (Creator of the mobile app QUESTINSITU) Mar Pérez Sanagustín and Jochen Doppelhammer (Serial entrepreneur from the mobiles sector).

A debate regarding the current situation of applications for mobile devices, development tendencies and the ways in which such technologies are affecting our society.

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