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En transició / En transición


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A look at the complex and event-filled process that was the Spanish transition, from the end of the dictatorship of General Franco to the start of the restoration of democracy. From a non-historical viewpoint, it analyses the transition as a process that affected and was moved forward by the people who lived through it, not just by the political elite. The experiences of a generation, both personal and collective, are illustrated by the sections of the book: strike, the police station, forms of coexistence, the psychiatric hospital, the music scene, communication, sport, school and memory.

Authors: Imma Julián, Antonio Moreno González, Isaac Rosa, Vicente Sánchez Biosca, Nicolás Sartorius, Suso de Toro, Assumpció Villatoro, Pere Ysàs, Carlos Jiménez Villarejo, Mercè García Arán, Ramon de España, Xavier Domènech, Jordi Balló, Antoni Marí, Manel Risques, Ricard Vinyes, Kiko Amat, Santos Julià, Inés Alberdi, Javier Alfaya, Mingus B. Formentor, Maria del Mar Bonet, Jaume Carbonell, Josep Maria Comelles

Publication year: 2007

Pages: 208

Dimensions: 17 × 24 cm.

Images in B/W and colour: 200

978-84-9803-247-5 (català)
978-84-9803-248-2 (castellano)

CCCB and Direcció de Comunicació de la Diputació de Barcelona

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