Ricard Vinyes
Lecturer in Contemporary History at Barcelona University (UB).
He is a specialist in European social movements and their cultural and political articulation, and his latest research centres on violence and repression in the Francoist period, and an analysis of public memory management policies in Europe and Latin America.
He was coordinator of the Commission responsible for drafting the Democratic Memorial Project of the Generalitat de Catalunya Autonomous Catalan government.
Latest publications
El Soldat de Pandora. Una biografia del segle xx (Barcelona, 1998)
Irredentas. Las presas políticas y sus hijos en las cárceles franquistas (Madrid, 2002)
Els nens perduts del franquisme (Barcelona, 2002)
His latest book is El daño y la memoria. Ed. Plaza&Janés (Barcelona, 2004)
Exhibitions (curator)
"1939. Barcelona, Year Zero" (Museu d'Història de la Ciutat, 1999)
"Franco's Prisons" (Museu d'Història de Catalunya, 2004). He was awarded the 2004 National Culture Prize (Heritage) of the Generalitat de Catalunya Autonomous Catalan government.
He was also responsible for the historical supervision of the documentary of Televisió de Catalunya, "Els nens perduts del franquisme" (The lost children of Francoism, 2002).
Contributions to scientific journals:
Studi Storici Recerques, Historia Social, Wiener Tagebuch, Cahiers d'Histoire, Cultures & Conflits, Sociologie Politique de l'International, Historia del Presente and International Journal of Iberian Studies.