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Antoni Marí

Poet and essayist

Antoni Marí is Professor of Art Theory in the Humanities Faculty of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). He is a poet, essayist and narrator. His research work ranges from the aesthetics and theory of art of the Enlightenment and Romanticism to art theory and criticism in Spain between 1800 and the present day.

He has taught and lectured in Munich, Berlin, Rome, Paris, Lisbon, Madrid and various other Spanish cities. His work has been translated into Spanish, French, Italian, Czech, Romanian and German.


El Preludi, 1979 (new edition 1999)
Un viatge d'hivern, 1989, National Critics Prize, 1990
El desert, 1998, Cavall Verd Poetry Award
Tríptic des Jondal, 2003

El entusiasmo y la quietud, 1979, new edition 1998
L'home de geni, 1984, Serra d'Or Critics Prize
La voluntat expressiva, 1988, new edition, 2000. Generalitat de Catalunya National Award
Formes de l'individualisme, 1993, Serra d'Or Critics Prize
Dictados y sentencias, antology of the thought of María Zambrano
Critical edition of Contra Sainte-Beuve, by Marcel Proust
La vida de los sentidos. Fragmentos de una unida perdida

El vas de plata, 1991, Ciutat de Barcelona Award, Serra d'Or Critics Prize
El camí de Vincennes, 1995, Prudenci Bertrana Prize and Serra d'Or Critics Prize
Entspringen, 2000



Has participated in

The Word (Ordet). The madman's turn to speak

Presentation: Antoni Marí

In Transition

20N – 23F 2008