These days war is a constant theme of discussion and the media bring it home to us in the form of news and images, but this doesn't mean that we know at first hand what a war is like, what it means to live through such an experience. We may be aware of the traumas it causes, yet we consider it normal for our children to play war videogames. This exhibition does not focus on a specific war, it addresses a body of reflection about the place of war in various cultures, in the past, present and future.
What do all wars have in common? How do they start? What is war like on the front line? What does ‘post-war' really mean? What is the relation between war and art? And between war and information? Can war be explained as an anthropological phenomenon? Is there a mathematic model that explains or helps to forecast wars? Why do we commemorate them? Are we doomed to forget them? What is the future of war? .... This catalogue sets out to answer these and other questions.
Authors: Joan Esteban, Hélène Puiseux, David D. Perlmutter, Andreas Huyssen, Chris Gray, Joanna Bourke, Jon Lee Anderson, Michael Walzer, Manuel Delgado, Robert Sala, Eudald Carbonell, Jeremy Black, José Maria Ridao, Francesc Torres, Antonio Monegal, Jay WinterPublication year: 2004
Pages: 384
Dimensions: 17 × 24 cm.
Images in B/W and colour: 300
978-84-7794-997-8 (català)
978-84-7794-998-5 (castellano)
978-84-95951-69-4 (english)
CCCB - Actar