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Xavier Aldekoa


For more than a decade, the journalist Xavier Aldekoa has been living in Africa. Throughout his career, he has covered many conflicts and social issues in some forty African countries, as well as writing reports and making documentaries for several outlets of the printed and audiovisual media. He has been the La Vanguardia correspondent in Africa and has participated in projects of social journalism in the international domain, for example the magazine Revista 5W of chronicles and investigative reporting, and the production company Muzungu. He is author of the books Oceà Àfrica (Ocean Africa, Ara Llibres / Península, 2014), Fills del Nil (Children of the Nile, Ara Llibres / Península, 2017), África adentro (Inside Africa, 5W, 2018, co-authored by Alfonso Armada), Indestructibles (Indestructible, Ara Llibres / Península, 2019), and El Quixot al Congo (Quixote in the Congo, Columna / Península, 2023).

Update: 13 February 2025



Presentation of issue 8 of 5W magazine

Has participated in


Presentation of issue 9 of 5W magazine


Presentation of issue 8 of 5W magazine


Presentation of last issues of 5W magazine

Conversation with Kopano Matlwa

South Africa after Apartheid


Presentation of Number 5 of 5W magazine


Launching of number 4 of Revista 5W

Inside Africa

Presentation of the book 'África adentro' with Xavier Aldekoa and Alfonso Armada


Presentation of Number 3 of 5W magazine

Conversation with Gaël Faye

The French-Burundian rapper and novelist talks with the journalist Xavier Aldekoa

The new correspondents

Conversation with Tania Adam, Xavier Aldekoa, Samuel Aranda and Gemma Parellada. Moderated by Pere Ortín

Taiye Selasi and Xavier Aldekoa

The Afropolitan Condition