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Dance Company

Barcelona-based dance project set up in 2019 by Guillem Jiménez to investigate, using dance, the influence of the digital world and virtuality on the behaviour of contemporary society. laSADCUM has produced three dance pieces (The Uncanny Valley, 2019; The Lesson, 2020; Aclucalls, 2022), two exhibitions (Classmates, 2020; Twink Twink Twink, 2022), workshops and curatorship programmes (Dance the Internet, 2022; El cos emmascarat, 2022), and several collaborations with artistes and institutions. Their works have been presented in venues such as the CCCB, Teatros del Canal, the Dansa València Festival, La Casa Encendida, the Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, La Capella, Dansa Metropolitana, aula46, Montjuïc Castle and Teatro Pradillo, among others.
In 2021 they were residents at La Caldera (after winning an award at the 33rd Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid) and the Barceloneta Civic Centre; in 2022, at the Graner, in the emerging artists category; and this year, 2023, at Fabra i Coats, El Corralito x TNT and Nau Estruch with their new project Navaja, which will premiere in 2024.

Update: 13 September 2023

Has participated in




Multidisciplinary dance spectacle and DJ session

Dance the Internet

Workshop on movement and the body using digital found footage, with Guillem Jiménez

Domestic Fictions

Workshop about virtualized domestic space, with Casa Antillón

Presenting the body on the virtual stage

Workshop about performance in the social media, with Candela Capitán

Camouflaging the body from surveillance

Workshop on facial recognition and identification, with Mentah