Patrick Bokanowski. «La plage» by Mariona Borrull
October 2021
Film critic Mariona Borrull presents La plage by Patrick Bokanowski. After having created one of the great cult films of experimental cinema, L’ange, and having gone through a creative hiatus of almost a decade, with this film the French filmmaker embarks on a new stage in his career in which he definitively distances himself from the realistic representation of reality and adopts an explicitly subjective point of view. By means of various optical tricks of his own invention, and with laborious frame-by-frame animation, Bokanowski presents us with a vision of a totally dreamlike beach where everything seems to suggest there's something beyond what we actually see.
La plage, Patrick Bokanowski, France, 1992, 16 mm, 12 min 37 s
This film was available during the month of October 2021. Digital copy courtesy of Patrick Bokanowski.
Special thanks to the Catalan Association of Film Criticism and Writing (ACCEC). Xcèntric Focus header clip fragment courtesy of Laida Lertxundi (Farce Sensationelle, 2009).
Participants: Mariona Borrull
Authors: Patrick Bokanowski
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1 October 2021