Enzo Traverso
A specialist in twentieth-century political, cultural, and intellectual movements, Enzo Traverso is one of today’s best-known historians on a worldwide scale. After teaching in France for more than two decades, with research visits to renowned European and American universities, he is currently Susan and Barton Winokur Professor in the Humanities at Cornell University, New York. Throughout his career, he has published numerous essays which, featuring prominently in contemporary historiography, deal with such issues as political violence and totalitarianism, the relationship between history and memory and their political uses, and the connections of contemporary political movements with the legacy of the twentieth century. Notable among his works, many of them translated into more than fifteen languages, are Totalitarismo. Storia di un dibattito (in Catalan, El totalitarisme. Història d’un debat, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2002), The New Faces of Fascism (in Catalan, Els nous rostres del feixisme, Balandra, 2017, and in Spanish as Las nuevas caras de la derecha, Siglo XXI, 2019), Left-Wing Melancholia: Marxism, History, and Memory (in Spanish, Melancolía de la izquierda, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2019), Revolution: An Intellectual History (in Spanish, Revolución. Una historia intelectual, Akal, 2022), winner of the 2022 Premio Napoli award for the Essay, Singular Pasts: The “I” in Historiography (in Catalan, Passats singulars. El «jo» en l’escriptura de la història, Editorial Afers, 2021; and published in Spanish by Alianza, 2022), and The Jewish Question: History of a Marxist Debate (Haymarket Books, 2019).
Update: 14 June 2023