Món Llibre
Món Llibre 2022
Kids literary festival
Festivals + Education
The "Món Llibre" literary festival is back, with a different format, but with the same spirit as ever: a literary experience for young and old, with all the latest about new publications.
We want to bring the authors of children's literature closer to their readers, replacing the usual shows with a proposal that is different, innovative and made-to-measure. We’ll be interviewing the writers of the moment in a theatrical format!
This year, contemporary creators will be the protagonists of this new edition of "Món Llibre". We’ll be talking to authors, illustrators and editors such as Joaquim Carbó, Anna Cabeza, Luisa Vera, Christian Inaraja, Jaume Copons, Liliana Fortuny, Jordi Folk, Anna Manso and Marc Boutavant, among others.
Activities organized by the CCCB
Coinciding with this literary event for the kids, the CCCB is organizing two doors-open days for the exhibition "The Mask Never Lies" and a series of free guided tours of the installation “Eutopic Universe”. Both activities require prior reservation.
This activity is part of Món Llibre