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Internet Universe

Internet Universe: the power of algorithms

Teacher training conference

Courses and workshops


How can algorithms, with their supposed mathematical neutrality, perpetuate and amplify existing social inequalities? We present the new teaching unit of the Univers Internet project: “The power of algorithms.”

Big data and artificial intelligence allow us to automate decision-making about questions that humans have always made so far. The problem of using algorithms based on automatic learning is that if these systems draw on databases that contain our society’s racist, xenophobic and sexist biases, the algorithms will ultimately perpetuate and amplify them. How can we prevent this and ensure that they make fair and ethical decisions? Whose responsibility is it? What are the consequences in social terms?

For years now, ICTs have formed part of the everyday life of education centres, and programming and computational thinking have recently reached the classrooms of primary, secondary and even infants’ education. Univers Internet proposes the addition of a layer of critical reflection, throwing open the debate about these issues with a new teaching unit in the form of a board game devoted to algorithms and a workshop to analyse the added value that the introduction of ICTs brings to educational practices.


09.00 | Welcome and presentation. CCCB Educació

09.15 | Talk: "Algorithmic injustice." David Casacuberta

10.45 | Board game: "The power of algorithms." Joana Moll and Ramin Soleymani

12.30 | Workshop: "The added value of ICTs in educational practices." Júlia Coromina

13.45 | Idea sharing

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David Casacuberta

Internet Universe: "Algorithmic injustice"

Big data and artificial intelligence allow us to automate decision-making about questions that humans have always made so far. The problem of using algorithms based on automatic learning is that if these systems draw on databases that contain our society’s racist, xenophobic and sexist ...

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