I+C+i. Research and innovation in the cultural sphere
I+C+i #6. Digital Humanities
The era of new information and knowledge technologies is causing a transformation in the classical human sciences. A new area of study that has emerged from the intersection between digital tools and humanities is promoting the integration of advances in technoculture with philosophy, literature, art, linguistics and cultural studies. The work carried out by the Institut de Recherche et Innovation du Centre Pompidou (IRI) focuses on this new field, known as Digital Humanities, in which special importance is attached to the participatory condition activated by Web 2.0 (social web) and also the emergence of Web 3.0 (semantic web).
10 a.m. – 2 p.m. // Digital Humanities. Case studies: Institut de Recherche et Innovation du Centre Pompidou (IRI), Mozilla Foundation Catalunya. (!) Requires prior registration. Mail to [email protected] by 4 November latest.
This intensive I+C+i session, involving workshops, presentations, talks and a discussion, will allow those attending to learn about the advances and challenges in Digital Humanities and the practices carried out by the IRI, together with CCCB Lab and other groups and collaborating organisations:
>> Introduction to the bases of the new Digital Humanities. With Bernard Stiegler (head of IRI) and Josep Ramoneda (director of the CCCB).
>> Towards participation tools for amateurs. With Vincent Puig (IRI), Samuel Huron (IRI/Inria) and Pierre-Louis Xech (Microsoft France). Review of the tools developed by the IRI in an attempt to improve Amateur cultural practices. Firstly the case will be explained of Lignes de temps, a digital video annotation device, and of its application in the classroom. Secondly, there will be a discussion of Polemic Tweet, a tool for the management and annotation of tweets at live events.
>> Ambient computing and tangible interfaces. With Vincent Puig (IRI), Samuel Huron (IRI/Inria) and Pierre-Louis Xech (Microsoft France). Every year, the Computer Human Interface congress explores new ways of interacting with content. It proposes a summary of the best projects in order to enable a debate on ambient computing along with a presentation of projects from the Design Metadata exhibition which took place at the Centre Pompidou.
>> Meeting of the Mozilla Foundation. With Enric Senabre, Alina Mierlus and Toni Pulido (Mozilla Catalunya) and Samuel Huron (IRI/Inria). An introduction to the collective development of open code projects launched by Mozilla, which are extended and promoted during the few days prior to the celebration of the 2011 Mozilla Festival. For example, popcorn.js, is an HTML5 javascript library for integrating the web into video production, in which Samuel Huron (IRI / Inri) has been involved. Or Hackasaurus, a work tool and methodology for learning how to remix and change any web page. This workshop is an invitation to web page developers and aficionados to discover projects with great potential in the field of digital humanities and to meet members of Mozilla in Barcelona, where they will be able to choose between listening to the explanation or start to put it into practice.
18-20h // Education and contributions in the future of Digital Humanities. Josep Ramoneda, Bernard Stiegler, Shahram Izadi, Enric Senabre, Alina Mierlus, Toni Pulido and Juan Insua.
This Debate will be based on the summary of the conclusions from the morning session, an introduction to Digital Humanities, and will focus on the role of education and contributions in the future of Digital Humanities.
Session organised in collaboration with the Institut de Recherche et Innovation du Centre Pompidou (IRI).
Participants: Bernard Stiegler, Vincent Puig, Samuel Huron, Josep Ramoneda, Juan Insua, Toni Pulido, Alina Mierlus, Enric Senabre
This activity is part of I+C+i. 2011, I+C+i. Research and innovation in the cultural sphere
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I+C+i. Ambient computing and tangible interfaces
Debate with Vincent Puig, Samuel Huron and Pierre-Louis Xech