How much globalisation can we bear?
Debate inspired in the book «De Walmart a Al-Qaida: els valors en la globalització»
Debating globalization, based on the book «De Walmart a Al-Qaida: els valors en la globalització», by David Murillo.
What is globalisation? What are its constituent values? What values are created and set in motion by globalisation, and what are the consequences for our lives? What role do citizens play in shaping a globalised world? What capacity do they have to make an impact? What role is played by large corporations and international organisations? What global governance needs are derived from globalisation? What models of globalisation are there?
This session will address these and other issues in a debate with David Murillo, author of the book De Walmart a Al-Qaida: els valors en la globalització (published by Editorial Barcino in 2015) and Lecturer in the Department of Social Sciences at ESADE, Quim Arrufat, former member of the Parliament of Catalonia, Antoni Segura, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Barcelona, and Ramon Tremosa, member of the European Parliament. The session will be presented by Carles Duarte, President of the Carulla Foundation, and moderated by Àngel Castiñeira, Director of the Chair in LeadershipS and Democratic Governance at ESADE.
Presenters: Carles Duarte
Moderators: Àngel Castiñeira
Participants: David Murillo, Antoni Segura, Quim Arrufat, Ramon Tremosa