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Amazonian visions


Tawna Collective


Free with pre-booking

The documentary Allpamanda explores the struggles of the native peoples and nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon in defence of their territories.

By means of testimonies from indigenous leaders and footage collected from 1980 up to the last decade, this film reveals the resistance and commitment of communities in the Ecuadorian Amazon in the face of threats from hydroelectric, oil and mining companies. The stories of those who led these struggles serve as a living legacy and remind us that the defence of their lands continues and their memory must live on for future generations.

Allpamanda, Tawna collective (Boloh Miranda, Ecuador, Kichwa, Shuar, Siekopai and Waorani peoples, 2023, 93', Original language with Catalan subtitles)

Session presented by Elisenda Triadó from the alterNativa and IndiFest team.


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Amazonian visions

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