Seville / Casa de la Ciencia
After traveling through Madrid, Barcelona, Donostia-San Sebastián, and Zaragoza, the Casa de la Ciencia in Seville hosts the exhibition Brain(s), a co-production between CCCB (Barcelona); Fundación Telefónica, Madrid; and Wellcome Collection, London. It originates from Brains: The Mind as Matter and States of Mind: Tracing the Edges of Consciousness, two original exhibitions by the Wellcome Collection (London).
The human brain is the most complex object we know and raises the most questions in the fields of science and philosophy. The Brain(s) exhibition explores how art, science, and philosophy have represented the human brain, highlighting its complexity and the mystery it represents for humanity. It addresses key issues such as the origin of consciousness, creativity, mental illnesses, and the possibility of creating intelligent machines, while also analyzing what other forms of intelligence, such as the collective intelligence of ants, can teach us.
With a historical and multidisciplinary approach, the exhibition combines artistic, scientific, and historical materials to examine different types of cognition, from artificial and animal intelligence to brainless organisms. Brain(s) invites reflection on the limits of our understanding of the mind and the implications of its deterioration or interruption, offering a deep and broad perspective on the conscious experience.
Curators: Emily Sargent, Ricard Solé