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Touring activities


Zaragoza / Centro de Historias

After traveling through Madrid, Barcelona, and Donostia-San Sebastián, the Centro de Historias in Zaragoza hosts the exhibition Brain(s), co-production between CCCB (Barcelona); Fundación Telefónica, Madrid; and Wellcome Collection, London. It originates from Brains: The Mind as Matter and States of Mind: Tracing the Edges of Consciousness, two original exhibitions by the Wellcome Collection (London).

Brain(s) explores how art, science, and philosophy have represented this fascinating organ throughout history.

The human brain is the most complex object we know and raises the most questions in the fields of science and philosophy. This exhibition challenges notions about the existence of brains, the origin of consciousness, creativity, and the effects of mental illnesses. Additionally, it examines the possibility of creating intelligent machines and what we can learn from other forms of intelligence, such as the collective intelligence of ants.

Through a historical and multidisciplinary approach, the exhibition examines various forms of cognition, including artificial, animal, and collective intelligence, as well as brainless organisms. Using historical, scientific, and artistic materials, Brain(s) invites reflection on the conscious experience and what happens when it is interrupted or deteriorates, expanding our understanding of the mind beyond the human.

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With the support of