Shelter, food and water
Paula Bruna, Gisela Torrent, Daniel Fernández Pascual, Marc Talavera, LAVIRAL and the Aigua és vida collective will be taking part in this cycle of conversations about how we can create alternatives based on ties that defend fundamental rights such as the right to water, food, housing and energy. Three dialogues that combine art and science to explore ecosocial solutions to preserve life on our planet.
Shelter, food and water are essential elements that sustain life and allow us to aspire to other social needs, like self-realization, love and cultural creation, from an individual and a collective viewpoint.
We live in a time marked by global and local emergencies, where apocalyptic narratives coexist with techno-optimism that tries to dispel the fear of extinction. In this context, it is vital to promote different forms of awareness that focus on the protection of life. The three conversations in this cycle aim to offer a space for reflection on the insufficiency of present-day systems to deal with the economic, social and ecological crises of a globalized world.
The cycle is organized and moderated by LAVIRAL-Escola Radical d’Arts i Ciències, a project dedicated to promoting processes of training and action with interdisciplinary teams that bring together art, science and citizenship to focus on the problems of local territories and communities.
This activity is part of Amazons