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Rosa Cerarols (LAVIRAL) and Aura Vidal (Aigua és vida)



The LAVIRAL project and "Aigua és vida" bring together art and thought to address water management in a context of climate crisis.

Despite being essential for life, water is now exploited and disputed due to excessive human activity and extractive practices that accelerate its degradation. With the pressure of climate change, the scarcity of this fundamental resource is increasingly evident, to the point that access to water is generating global tensions and conflicts.

This session explores how we can put water back at the centre as a shared resource, and the challenges we must face to ensure its sustainable and equitable management. This dialogue raises the question of how we can defend water as a fundamental right and transform the relationship we have with it to ensure its preservation and availability for future generations.

Moderators: Enric Senabre Hidalgo

Participants: Rosa Cerarols, Aura Vidal Carrasco

This activity is part of Amazons, Shelter, food and water

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More information on the exhibition

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