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Documentaries about food and ecology

A programme of documentary screenings and debates about food and ecology, produced by the CCCB in collaboration with the magazine Soberanía Alimentaria: Biodiversidad y Culturas.

Food and the impact of the agrifood system has become a key aspect of the social agenda. This issue has been analysed by Alimentum from three complementary points of view: the ecological crisis, the economic crisis and the crisis of thought. A cycle of projections and debates that is proposed as the General Assemblies of food, but also a survival manual, between health and sovereignty, pleasure and politics, criticism and transformative practice.

Previous activities

Soñando un lugar

A documentary by Alfonso Kint


A documentary by Dan Ortínez

Les champs de la colère

A documentary by Anne Gintzburger

Dream the Future: Agriculture

A documentary by Alex Fighter

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The Dispossessed

A documentary by Mathieu Roy

The Milk System

A documentary by Andreas Pichler

More Than honey

A documentary by Markus Imhoof

Frontera invisible

A documentary by Nico Muzi and Nicolás Richat

Desierto Líquido [Liquid Desert]

A documentary by Alba Azaola and Daniel Carrasco