“The first great step of quantum mechanics is surprising. It starts off from an unavoidable fact. In the world of the smallest elements, when we try to measure, we alter what we measure. The particles of the atomic and subatomic world are so light that any attempt to analyse them uncontrollably disturbs them. Doubt appears. What does it mean to observe? What absolute truths can we infer?”
Authors: Mónica Bello, José-Carlos Mariátegui, José Ignacio Latorre, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Marcelo Gleiser, Nell TenhaafPublication year: 2019
Pages: 160
Dimensions: 17 × 24 cm.
Images in B/W and colour: 90
978-84-9803-883-5 (català)
978-84-9803-884-2 (castellano)
978-84-9803-885-9 (English)
CCCB and Direcció de Comunicació de la Diputació de Barcelona