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Per laberints / Por laberintos / Through Labyrinths


Catalan , English 5€ Buy
Spanish , English 15€ Sold out

An exploration of the symbolic and physical history of the labyrinth from several disciplines: architecture, aesthetics, landscape architecture, history and art, as well as entertainment and games.

Works: Michael Ayrton, Jorge Luis Borges, Antonella Bussanich, Randoll Coate, Nick Coombe / Shona Kitchen, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Michele Emmer, Terry Fox, Martha Graham, Richard Long, Luis Longhi, Robert Morris, Lika Mutal, Ben Nicholson, Brian O’Doherty (Patrick Ireland), Ramón de Soto, Saul Steinberg, Josep Maria Subirachs, Oscar Tusquets, Teri Wehn Damisch

Compendium of quotations: Núria Aidelman and Laia Colell (A Bao A Qu)

Authors: Umberto Eco, Ramon Espelt, Jorge Wagensberg, Oscar Tusquets, Cesare Gerolimetto, Georg Gerster, Jürgen Hohmuth, Jason Hawkes, Jeff Saward

Publication year: 2010

Pages: 176

Dimensions: 17 × 24 cm.

Images in B/W and colour: 150

978-84-9803-392-2 (català / english)
978-84-9803-393-9 (castellano / english, agotado / sold out)

CCCB, Direcció de Comunicació de la Diputació de Barcelona

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