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Rèquiem per l'escala / Réquiem por la escalera


Catalan , Spanish 18€ Sold out

The staircase is a fascinating architectural feature and isn’t just one of the elements that have given rise to some of the most memorable spaces in the history of architecture; it has also been widely depicted in art, literature, cinema, etc. However, today, the staircase is under threat of extinction due to its contemporary transformation into a strictly functional and standardised service space.

From this feeling of loss, the catalogue goes through different types of stairs (straight flight, parallel flight, different flight, imperial staircase, samba staircase, etc) along with photographies, paintings and texts to claim the primordial importance of this element to architecture and its continuity in art, literature and cinema.

Authors: Juan Antonio Ramírez, Raffaele Pinto, Oscar Tusquets, Jordi Balló, Alejandro Quintillá

Publication year: 2001

Pages: 224

Dimensions: 24 × 24 cm.

Images in B/W and colour: 300

978-84-7794-805-6 (català / castellano, exhaurit / agotado)
978-84-933263-0-2 (english / castellano: RqueR editorial, 2004)

CCCB, Institut d’Edicions de la Diputació de Barcelona, RqueR editorial

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