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Debat de Barcelona VII

Urbanitats — n. 15

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Against the backdrop of crisis of the traditional structures of the nation-state and the emergence of new cultural imaginations, the geopolitical and symbolic boundaries become dislocated and the global, multicultural city is born where the border ceases to be a place of transit and becomes a place of coexistence and conflict: each place can be the threshold between ourselves and the other. Which borders persist and which new ones are emerging?


Authors: Roger Bartra, Manuel Cruz, Francisco Fernández Buey, Daniel Gamper, Zygmunt Bauman, Dominique Schnapper, David S. Landes, Georges Corm, Michel Foucher, Tzvetan Todorov, Judit Carrera, Josep Ramoneda, Eyal Weizman

Publication year: 2004

Pages: 208

Dimensions: 17 × 24 cm.

978-84-96103-72-6 (català / castellano/ français / english)


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