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Toni Pou

Physicist and science journalist

He coordinates the science supplement of Diari ARA and is the author of the book On el dia dorm amb els ulls oberts (Empúries, 2011), winner of the Premi Godó de Reporterisme and the Prisma Award for the best popular science book published in Spain. He co-directs the postgraduate course in science communication at the University of Vic, where he also teaches, and is co-founder of the company Eduscopi, dedicated to science communication. He was the curator of the traveling exhibition L'Àrtic es trenca, of CosmoCaixa, for 6 years, and collaborates regularly with publishers, institutions and media to bring the values and ideas of science to a wider audience. In 2021 he published Si un dit assenyala la lluna (Anagrama), an original hymn to the scientific imagination in which he makes brilliant use of common language to explore central questions of scientific knowledge. He is also the author of the books El meu nom és Univers (Actar, 2022) and Jordi Sabater Pi, l'últim naturalista (Ajuntament de Barcelona and Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2023).

Update: 15 March 2024


Has participated in

Pioneering Science in Catalonia

Inaugural session of “Radical Science”

Anna Ballbona, Tina Vallès, Toni Pou, Francesco Ardolino and La Calòrica

The imperfect city by Italo Calvino

Ramon López de Mántaras

Can there be an ethical AI?

Juan Arnau

Matter as imagination

My name is Universe

Eugènia Balcells, Jordi Balló, Toni Pou, Maria Muñoz and Eulàlia Bosch

Conversation with Leslea Hlusko, Carola Ortiz, and Toni Pou

Sharing notes

Lecture by Priyamvada Natarajan

Mapping the Invisible Universe