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Imma Merino

Film critic and university lecturer

Lecturer in History and Theory of Cinema and Cultural Journalism at the UdG, Imma Merino has a degree in Philosophy from the UAB and a PhD in Communication from the UPF, and is a film critic and cultural journalist at El Punt Avui. She is also a regular contributor to the cultural magazine L’Avenç. She is the author of the book Agnès Varda: espigadora de realidades y de ensueños (Donostia Kultura, 2019) and co-editor with Ariadna Lorenzo of the book Carol: bellesa subversiva del desig (Documenta Universitaria, 2019). She has collaborated on various collective works, including Al otro lado de la ficción. Trece documentalistas españoles contemporáneos (Cátedra, 2007) and monographs on Jacques Demy, François Truffaut, Max Ophüls, Jacques Becker and Rainer Werner Fassbinder.

Update: 17 December 2015



Has participated in

The Faces of Agnes

Guided visit to the exhibition "Agnès Varda"

Imma Merino, Carlos Losilla, Laura Llevadot and Eulàlia Iglesias

Thinking about Varda’s Free Cinema

Workshop of cinematographic critic

Theory and practical