Gilles Lipovetsky Sociologist, author of Los tiempos hipermodernos (Anagrama 2006). Contents NOW #2 Encuentros en el presente contínuo Soy Cámara, CCCB’s Programme Press conference presentation of "Global Screen. Virtual plataform" Interview to Gilles Lipovetsky and Jean Serroy Curator of the exhibition "Global Screen" I+C+i. Global Screen: Incubating an Exhibition Debate with Gilles Lipovetsky and Jean Serroy Soy Cámara #10. The Museum of Accidents The CCCB’s Programme Publications Global Screen 12. Els temps hipermoderns / Les temps hypermodernes Gilles Lipovetsky Has participated in "The Global Screen" virtual platform I+C+i. Session #4. Global Screen: Incubating an Exhibition Hypermodern Times Lecture by Gilles Lipovetsky Global Screen