David Fernàndez
Born in Barcelona in 1974, with a background as journalist and activist, in December 2012 David Fernàndez became a member of Catalan Parliament for Candidatura d’Unitat Popular (CUP) and spokesman for Grupo Mixto. An unusual, raging, angry voice that combines personal experience with lines from a poem or highly uncomfortable newspaper facts, some of his interventions have reached far beyond institutional buildings. He continues to address the themes he has always investigated as a journalist. Editor and contributor to La Directa, he has also written for Diagonal and Vilaweb and published Cròniques del 6 i altres retalls de la claveguera policial (Virus Editorial, 2006), with foreword by Arcadi Oliveres, and Foc a la barraca (Lo Diable Gros, 2013).
David Fernàndez's blog in Vilaweb
Update: 22 April 2021