Clara Piazuelo
Clara Pizuelo is part of DU-DA, a collective dedicated to artistic research and mediation, where she develops projects questioning our ways of co-existence and imagines other possible presents and futures. Recently, she and her project partners received the UNZIP Art and Education grant (2020), the grant for Artistic Research and Experimentation La Escocesa (2020) and a research grant from Barcelona Producción (2021). She is co-author and editor of the publications Morir Guay. Voces y Relatos para no tener miedo and Mediums. Una exploración colectiva sobre lo invisible. Una exploración colectiva sobre lo invisible. In 2020, Año del Caballo , her first novel, was published by ediciones en el mar. For 10 years she was responsible for the area of Knowledge Transfer at the centre Hangar , where she developed investigative and educative projects within an artistic context. She has taught on the master’s programme of Artistic Research and Experimentation at BAU and has been a guest speaker at international universities such as the Universidad FLACSO in Quito (Ecuador) and the Universidad Veritas San José (Costa Rica), as well as cultural institutions such as ZKM (Karlsruhe), LABoral, MNCARS, and La Casa Encendida. A graduate of Art History and Audiovisual Communication, she enjoys observing and learning from non-human animals. She takes a special interest in horses and has trained in ethology and natural horsemanship.
Update: 7 June 2021