The Limits of Humour
Soy cámara online
On the occasion of the Spanish premiere at the CCCB of the documentary Laughing to Death (2016), which deals with the topics of freedom of expression, humour and political satire, made by Stelios Kouloglou, the journalist and Euro MP for the Syriza party, the CCCB organised an event (directed by Isaac Monclús) devoted to the links between these topics. Soy Cámara used the event to reflect on humour and the freedom of expression – subjects that are sadly topical in Europe and, specially, in today’s Spain (what with the “Gagging law” and all the puppeteers, rappers, Twitter users and Mongolia magazine being persecuted by the justice system, etc.). These are problems that we should never stop openly talking about in the media and in institutions. The film Laughing to death is about the links between satire and politics in the world of activism. In this piece we interview Stelios Kouloglou, Manel Fontdevila (from the satirical magazine Orgullo y satisfacción) and the legendary prankster Joey Skaggs, who visited the CCCB in October 2016, invited by the festival The Influencers. We will also be making a few reflections as regards the invitees to the recent MemeFest (CCCB, 2018).
Screenplay and realization: Félix Pérez-Hita, Andrés Hispano
Editing: Félix Pérez-Hita
Language: Spanish, English
Subtitles: Spanish
Length: 23 min
Participants: Stelios Kouloglou
Authors: Fèlix Pérez-Hita, Andrés Hispano
Related to Soy Cámara online
20 April 2018