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NoViolet Bulawayo and Gemma Parellada

Dialogues for Thinking about Diversity

Is it possible to go beyond intermingling and cultural exchange when thinking about society and contemporary culture? Population flows are the pattern in a globalised world in which identities are being diluted and superimposed, and in which a mosaic is being constructed, contributing towards collective enrichment everywhere. However, they are also giving rise to tensions and fears which are sometimes translated into politics of exclusion and even closing borders. In a world where identities are multiple and undergoing a continuous process of transformation, where migration and movement affect millions of people, thinking about coexistence would seem to be an essential task.

The Zimbabwean writer NoViolet Bulawayo, who has lived for some years in the United States, offers a first-hand account of the contradictions of belonging to two places and how it is possible to feel both immersed in and alienated from a particular culture. She will discuss these matters with the journalist Gemma Parellada, a foreign correspondent in Africa.

Related to Open City Thinking Biennale 2018, Dialogue between NoViolet Bulawayo and Gemma Parellada

20 October 2018