After the End of the World
Workshop on the production of narrative documentaries on the Anthropocene
Audiovisuals + Courses and workshops
A theory and practice workshop that aims to introduce students into the world of documentary production, with a particular interest in the theme of the Anthropocene.
The aim is to provide the technological and technical terms to carry out a micro-project based on producing documentaries, with the goal of adding to the exhibition’s set of proposals and activities a greater plurality of views originating from the sphere of the audience. As a conclusion, a YouTube channel will be opened with all the micro-documentaries produced by the students.
The workshop will consist of four sessions, the two narrative sessions will take place at the CCCB’s Beta Station, within the context of the After the End of the World exhibition, and the practical sessions at the Escola Plató.
Provisional programme:
Saturday, 17 February, from 10.00 to 13.00 / Beta Station (CCCB)
Introduction: natural sciences, history and documentary cinema
Carlos Tabernero (CEHIC, UAB) The history of documentary cinema, particularly of natural history. Proposal and discussion of ideas to produce, using everyday technology, a documentary lasting between 1 and 3 minutes.
Saturday 24 February, from 10.00 to 13.00 / Beta Station (CCCB)
Documentary narrative Beta Space / CCCB
Óscar Cusó (freelance documentarist) Documental narratives and storytelling. Narrative development of the ideas proposed: selection of contents, structure and prose for the script.
Saturday 3 March, from 10.00 to 13.00 / Plató de Cinema
Audiovisual treatment Plató de Cinema
Josep Padró (Plató de Cinema) Technical script and audiovisual language in documentary cinema. Development of the technical script and preparation for the independent recording of films during the following week
Saturday 10 March, from 10.00 to 13.00 / Plató de Cinema
Post-production Plató de Cinema
Josep Padró (Plató de Cinema) Post-production and editing. Completion of projects with the aid of editing programmes.
Participants: Carlos Tabernero Holgado, Óscar Cusó, Josep Padró
Directors: Àlex Murrull, Carlos Tabernero Holgado
This activity is part of After the End of the World, Beta Station