Cartographies of invisible cities
Where the city changes its name
A walk with Jordi Corominas i Julián
Where does the city begin and end? What is my relation to those “paths of desire” that are not marked on the map? How can we read the territory, as though it were a novel to be interpreted through its symbolism and its scars?
The old neighbourhood of Eduardo Aunós, historically known as the Cases Barates or Cheap Housing district, is one of the main settings for the novel Donde la Ciudad cambia su nombre, in which Francisco Candel, in 1976, tells of a periphery practically unknown to the cultural narrative of the time. What traces can we follow today in the new district of Marina del Prat Vermell or the old Bausili and Santiveri textile colonies? How, here and now, do the old Casa Antúnez or what was known as "Ciudad Fronteriza", or Border City, speak to us?
Curator: Albert Lladó
Participants: Jordi Corominas
This activity is part of Cartographies of invisible cities