Institut d'Humanitats
Thinking with your tongue and your palate
Indisciplines of the aesthetics of taste
Courses and workshops
Do the tongue and the palate think? Why does a fleshy taste organ have the same name as the means that humans use to communicate? Why do “saber” (know) and “sabor” (taste) have a common etymology? This course presents the fundamental vocabulary and arguments of the philosophy of the non-metaphorical use of taste—that is, the taste of the tongue and the palate.
Participants: Gerard Vilar, Pilar Talavera, Laura Benítez Valero, Marco Bellonzi, David Casacuberta, Vera Livia García, Marina Hervás
Directors: Jèssica Jaques
This activity is part of Institut d'Humanitats. Course 15/16, Institut d'Humanitats