The Transformation of Intimacy
Debate at CCCB
Nowadays we enjoy more individual freedom than ever before and yet our intimacy is much more susceptible to the influence of power and the market. What were once experiences in the strict solitude of the private sphere have become material for public debate or are exhibited through social networks, reality shows, biographical books or political pornography. To what extent have our most intimate needs been turned into a new form of commodity?
Monday 27 June at 7.30 p.m.
Redemption of Intimacy in the Work of Art and Science
The work of art and the work of science entail effecting an inner immersion, not to shore up one’s own universe but to redeem it, opening up space to cultivate the metaphor and the formula.
Victor Gómez Pin, Professor of Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and author, inter alia, of Filosofía. Interrogaciones que a todos conciernen (Philosophy: Questions That Concern Everyone – Espasa, 2008).
Thursday 30 June at 7.30 p.m.
An Open Secret: Aporias, Ambiguities and Fallacies concerning Relations between the Intimate and the Public
Intimacy, until recently a slightly old-fashioned and even kitsch theme, is now invading all spheres of society. Might not this unlimited circulation of information all around us be endangering intimacy? Are we not confusing it with privateness? Where is this excessive exaltation of subjectivity leading us?
Jose Luís Pardo, Professor of Philosophy at the Complutense University of Madrid and author, inter alia, of La intimidad (Pre-textos, 2004) y Nunca fue tan hermosa la basura (Never Was Junk so Beautiful – Galaxia Gutenberg, 2010).
Wednesday 13 July at 7.30 p.m.
From Introspection to Hyper-connection: Intimacy as a Twenty-first-century Spectacle
The last decade has seen a proliferation of media and artistic channels that “exhibit intimacy”, which suggests a transformation of subjectivities and points to new ways of living and being in the world.
Paula Sibilia, lecturer in Cultural Studies and the Media at the Fluminense Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and author, inter alia, of La intimidad como espectáculo (Intimacy as Spectacle – Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2008).
Thursday 14 July at 7.30 p.m. LECTURE POSTPONED
Feminism in the Boudoir: Gender, Architecture and the Invention of Intimacy
If intimacy is historically constructed as essentially feminine, how is one to understand the present-day transformation of intimacy in terms of gender? Might not the blurring of limits between public and private also entail dissolution of the traditional notions of gender and sexuality?
Beatriz Preciado, lecturer in Political Theory of the Body and Gender Theory at the University of Paris VIII and author, inter alia, of Pornotopía. Arquitectura y sexualidad en «Playboy» durante la guerra fría (Pornotopia: Architecture and Sexuality in Playboy during the Cold War – Anagrama, 2010) and Manifiesto contrasexual (Opera Prima, 2011).
Participants: Gisela Llobet, Enric Puig Punyet, Víctor Gómez Pin, José Luis Pardo, Paul B. Preciado, Paula Sibilia
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The last decade has seen a proliferation of media and artistic channels that “exhibit intimacy”, which suggests a transformation of subjectivities and points to new ways of living and being in the world.
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Intimacy, until recently a slightly old-fashioned and even kitsch theme, is now invading all spheres of society. Might not this unlimited circulation of information all around us be endangering intimacy? Are we not confusing it with privateness? Where is this excessive exaltation of subjectivity ...